Saturday 12th October 2024

Welcome To EDTA Chelation UK

EDTA Chelation UK

Liquid EDTA taken orally removes harmful metals & plaque

Cardio Renew liquid oral Chelation Therapy is easy to take at home, simply mix the EDTA formula with water or juice and take on a daily basis over a six week period. Cardio Renew is a 100% EDTA formula with no fillers so do not confuse it with other EDTA products which have a poor absorption rate.

If you suffer from any of the following Oral EDTA Chelation Therapy could help you.

  • Poor Circulation
  • Feeling Less Alert & Lacking Energy
  • Breathlessness With Slight Exertion
  • Aches and Pains In Chest or Legs When Walking
  • Diagnosed with Artery Blockage
  • Heavy Metal Poisoning

The list goes on but did you know that most of these conditions relate to poor circulation and Oral Chelation Therapy in a liquid form can help these conditions by improving the blood flow throughout your entire body,

There are also many secondary conditions that can improve or totally disappear with Cardio Renew Chelation Liquid. The process of arterial blockage is a slow process so it’s understandable that the road to clean arteries can be a long one too. Plaque build-up happens gradually over our lifetimes, you may have noticed symptoms like a shortness of breath, chest pain or maybe you get tired more quickly than you used to, this and other symptoms can be the signs of an arterial blockage or in some cases heavy metal poisoning.

Clean Arteries With Oral Chelation Therapy

We need clean arteries to enjoy a better life and the good news is that it is possible to reverse arterial blockage by changing your diet and making some simple lifestyle changes. Obviously this takes time but with some perseverance you will get there.

Oral Chelation Therapy Can Give Faster Results

When you bring EDTA Chelation Therapy into play the whole process becomes a lot quicker, and you should start to feel the benefits pretty soon.

Why Do We Get Plaque In Our Arteries?

Good question, in most cases it’s been our living of a normal life and a combination of eating mostly the wrong foods,Oral helation Therapy & Atherosclerosis lack of exercise, drinking and smoking certainly doesn’t help, these things and much more contribute to why we have a build up of plaque and cholesterol in our arteries which leads to poor blood circulation.

Plaque is made up from fatty deposits, cholesterol, cellular waste, calcium and fibrin (a clotting agent in the blood). As we age plaque builds up in our arteries which thickens the blood vessels and in turn narrows the arteries resulting in reduced blood circulation and reducing the amount of oxygen circulating throughout the body.

Cardio Renew is a liquid EDTA Oral Chelation Therapy you can take at home and it is available directly in the UK. We have been importing Cardio Renew into the UK and Europe since 2008 and we have a regular loyal customer base.

Don’t just think about it, make today the first day of the new you towards improving your overall health and circulation, you will be repaid ten fold by feeling fitter and having a lot more energy. You have absolutely everything to gain by taking EDTA Oral Chelation therapy, so start today and live a better life with clean arteries.